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Frequently asked questions

  • Can I use my own domain name?

    Yes, you’ll simply need to point your domain name to your new account .

  • Will I own my website? (Pay Monthly)

    Theme, design and Domain is and will remain the property of and can be transferred for a fee 

  • Are payments included?

    Yes, you’re ready to start taking payments once you setup your Account with woocommerce . 

  • What help and support is available?

    There will always be somebody at the end of the phone to help you with any questions you might have. 

  • How long does it take to set up?

    24 hours for pay monthly websites and 48 hours for owned Websites 

  • Do I need any web design experience?

    No, choose from Our Ready, free responsive themes. You can then customise your shop to fit your business Using Drag and Drop Platform.

  • Is there a contract?

    All of our plans come with no contract involved allowing you to cancel at any time.

  • Is there a product limit?

    No. We offer unlimited products on all of our plans, so you can add products to your heart’s content.

  • Can customers shop on mobile devices?

    Yes, all of our themes are mobile optimised so your customers will have the same seamless shopping experience no matter what device they are browsing on.